Why was Health Complaints Assist built?

We built Health Complaints Assist because we believe that it’s a service that people need. In Victoria, there are thousands of people who have been affected by medical treatment who do not know [...]

Will my information be private?

Using the chatbot is 100% confidential. The information you supply will be securely stored. It will never be shared with anyone unless you specifically request or give permission for the [...]

Can I sue the local Council?

If you were injured on land owned or managed by a Victorian local Council you may be able to bring a claim which includes compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses and economic loss. [...]

How do I challenge a TAC decision?

There are three ways a decision can be reviewed – informally, through a dispute resolution process or though the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Get a copy of the TAC decision in [...]

How long does a claim normally take?

Each case is different, but Polaris works hard to make sure that your case is finished as quickly as possible. Because you can only obtain lump sum compensation for your injuries once, the timing [...]

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