Road accidents
Whether the motor vehicle accident involved a car, motorbike, train, tram, or a bus, you should be able to access TAC benefits.
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) is the government insurer responsible for compulsory third-party insurance for registered motor vehicles in Victoria. People injured in motor vehicle accidents on Victorian roads are entitled to lodge a claim for compensation with the TAC. This is known as a TAC claim.
What does the TAC cover?
If you have been injured in a transport accident you may be entitled to a range of benefits under TAC, including:
You’re entitled to reasonable medical expenses for your accident injuries. For example, TAC can pay for the following: ambulance, hospital, doctors, physiotherapy, medication, hydrotherapy, surgery and home assistance like cleaners and gardeners.
If you can’t go back to work after the accident, TAC can pay you 80% of your pre-injury income – excludes the first 5 days after the date of the accident.
If you’re a low-income earner, the TAC can pay 100% of your pre-injury income.
TAC will ask you to provide recent payslips or tax returns from previous years to help their calculation of your weekly payments. TAC can pay a maximum of $1350 per week (as at 1 July 2019).
If you suffer injuries from the accident and do not fully recover, you may be entitled to a lump sum amount. Your injury will need to be assessed by an independent medical examiner under the AMA guides.
If you receive a permanent impairment score of more 11%, you will receive approximately $7,880. This amount is indexed each year.
An additional amount will be paid for every 1% of impairment greater than 11%. A 50% impairment entitles you to $86,000 (as at 1 July 2019).
TAC can assess your level of impairment as soon as 3 months after your accident.
If your injuries have not stabilised, TAC can make a part payment of your impairment benefit until your injuries have healed and stabilised; i.e. your injury is unlikely to get any better or worse.
Your right to apply for an impairment assessment may expire 6 years from the date of the accident.
In addition to medical, income replacement and impairment benefits, the TAC can be required to pay compensation on behalf of a driver who was at fault in an accident which caused injuries.
The TAC is the insurer for road accidents and in most circumstances will be required to pay compensation on behalf of the person at fault for the accident.
So, If the accident was wholly or partially caused by someone else you may be entitled to further compensation which can include:
Pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life – up to $558,760 (as at 1 July 2019); and
Past and future economic loss – up to $1,257,290 (as at 1 July 2019)
To obtain compensation you need to be able to show that:
The accident was caused or contributed to by another party (negligence).
You have a “serious injury”.
A “serious injury” is a legal test, and detailed consideration of your personal circumstances and medical opinion will be required to determine if you have a serious injury. Serious injuries can include:
Permanent impairment of 30% or more; or
Long term physical injury or loss of body function which impacts your working life, social, domestic or recreational activities; or
Long term severe psychological injuries which impact your working life, social, domestic or recreational activities; or
Serious scarring or disfigurement; or
Loss of a foetus.
Handy hint:
The serious injury test looks at the effects of the accident on your life. It is worth making note of things your injuries stop you doing. If you loved hiking, line dancing, salsa classes, knitting or riding your bike prior to the accident, the impact of your injuries on those activities can be important factors in showing that you have a “serious injury”.
If you’re unsure about whether your injuries meet the “serious injury” test, you should get advice from a TAC expert lawyer without delay.
If you are over 18 years at the time of the accident, you generally have 6 years from the date of the accident to make an application.
If you were under the age of 18 years at the time of the accident, you will have until your 24th birthday to make a claim.
In addition to medical, income replacement and impairment benefits, the TAC can be required to pay compensation on behalf of a driver who was at fault in an accident which caused injuries.
The TAC is the insurer for road accidents and in most circumstances will be required to pay compensation on behalf of the person at fault for the accident.
So, If the accident was wholly or partially caused by someone else you may be entitled to further compensation which can include:
Pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life – up to $558,760 (as at 1 July 2019); and
Past and future economic loss – up to $1,257,290 (as at 1 July 2019)
To obtain compensation you need to be able to show that:
The accident was caused or contributed to by another party (negligence).
You have a “serious injury”.
A “serious injury” is a legal test, and detailed consideration of your personal circumstances and medical opinion will be required to determine if you have a serious injury. Serious injuries can include:
Permanent impairment of 30% or more; or
Long term physical injury or loss of body function which impacts your working life, social, domestic or recreational activities; or
Long term severe psychological injuries which impact your working life, social, domestic or recreational activities; or
Serious scarring or disfigurement; or
Loss of a foetus.
Handy hint:
The serious injury test looks at the effects of the accident on your life. It is worth making note of things your injuries stop you doing. If you loved hiking, line dancing, salsa classes, knitting or riding your bike prior to the accident, the impact of your injuries on those activities can be important factors in showing that you have a “serious injury”.
If you’re unsure about whether your injuries meet the “serious injury” test, you should get advice from a TAC expert lawyer without delay.
If you are over 18 years at the time of the accident, you generally have 6 years from the date of the accident to make an application.
If you were under the age of 18 years at the time of the accident, you will have until your 24th birthday to make a claim.
You’re entitled to reasonable care expenses for your accident injuries. This could cover home assistance like cleaners and gardeners.
If your spouse, partner or loved one has passed away as a result of a road accident, the TAC may be able to provide you with some assistance, including:
Funeral expenses
Travel and accommodation
Weekly payments including income benefits and education allowances
Home duties and childcare
Lump sum benefits
The TAC is not responsible for any property damage. That is, TAC will not pay for the replacement of your motor vehicle or for any damage to be repaired.
Who can claim?
Generally, You’re entitled to lodge a claim for TAC benefits if your road accident was caused by or involved any of the below. If you are the dependant of someone who has died as a result of a road accident, you can also lodge a claim.
The majority of TAC claims are for injuries sustained as a result of a car accident.
You can lodge a claim for compensation if you sustained injuries either as the driver or passenger of a car involved in a road accident.
If you were injured by or whilst driving a motor vehicle which was unregistered at the time of the accident, you can still be covered by TAC as long as the vehicle was capable of being registered with VicRoads.
For example:
Electric scooters and similar devices are unlikely to be capable of being registered for VicRoads purposes.
A tractor on a farm hits into you and causes injury. As long as the tractor is capable of being registered, you will be entitled to TAC benefits.
If you are injured by a motor vehicle accident in a private driveway, you can also make a TAC claim. You may also be able to make a claim if the injury takes place on private land, for example a paddock, depending on the circumstances.
Reach out to us to find out about what benefits you are entitled to if you are injured in a car accident in Victoria.
Truck transport across Victoria is on the rise. Even with increased safety mechanisms introduced into the trucking industry, we continue to see significant road accidents involving trucks.
Trucks are registered vehicles and therefore, any person injured in a road accident involving a truck, either the driver or passengers (or pedestrians), is entitled to lodge a claim for compensation.
The law can be different for people who are injured in a motor vehicle accident while they are in the course of their employment.
Reach out to us to find out about what benefits you are entitled to if you are injured in a truck accident in Victoria.
No matter if you are a bus passenger or pedestrian injured as a result of the driving of a bus, you should be entitled to TAC benefits, and you may also be entitled to compensation for your injuries.
Bus drivers may be entitled to benefits and compensation under the TAC and/or Workers Compensation schemes, depending on the circumstances of the accident and whether they were working at the time of the accident.
Reach out to us to find out about what benefits you are entitled to if you are injured in a bus accident in Victoria.
Both riders and pillion passengers who sustain injuries as a result of a road accident, are entitled to lodge a claim for TAC compensation.
Reach out to us to find out about what benefits you are entitled to if you are injured in a motorbike accident in Victoria.
If you are injured as a result of the driving or operation of a tram or train, you’re covered by the TAC.
For example, when you’re getting off a train and become trapped in the doors, you will be entitled to TAC benefits.
Likewise, if you are on a tram which stops violently to avoid a car on the tracks and you fall and injure yourself, you can lodge a TAC claim.
Reach out to us to find out about what benefits you are entitled to if injured in a tram or train accident in Victoria.
Injuries on private property remain relatively common and farms remain high risk environments for motor vehicle injuries and deaths. This includes accidents involving quad bikes and farm equipment like tractors and harvesters.
Even people injured on unregistered vehicles and/or on private property may be entitled to TAC benefits and compensation.
Reach out to us to find out about what benefits you are entitled to if injured in a farm or work machinery accident in Victoria.
Pedestrians who are injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident are entitled to TAC benefits.
Pedestrians can receive TAC benefits and compensation even where:
1. the accident involved a “near miss” – for example, if you have fallen over when trying to avoid a collision with a motor vehicle;
2. the collision occurred in a car park;
3. you had consumed alcohol;
4. you were on a footpath; and/or
5. you were on private property.Reach out to us to find out about what benefits you are entitled to if you are a pedestrian injured as the result of a motor vehicle accident in Victoria.
If you were a cyclist and you were involved in a collision with a motor vehicle you will be entitled to TAC coverage.
There are also situations where there is not a direct collision however you may still be covered under the TAC scheme. For example, if you are injured as a result of a motor vehicle door opening onto you or if a motor vehicle crashes into you, you can make a claim with the TAC. If you swerve your bicycle to avoid a motor vehicle and are injured as a result of the accident, you will be covered by the TAC.
Since 9 July 2014, any cyclist injured in a collision with stationary vehicles can also lodge a TAC claim to access benefits and compensation.
Reach out to us to find out about what benefits you are entitled to if you are a cyclist injured by a collision with a motor vehicle in Victoria.
Common questions about the TAC process.
Navigating the process of making a TAC claim can sometimes feel overwhelming. To help, we’ve pulled together some of the most common questions.
Eligibility criteria
Where you are injured as a driver in a single vehicle accident, you are likely to be covered by TAC for benefits including payment of medical expenses, loss of wages and a lump sum payment for your permanent impairment.
You are unlikely to be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering and long-term loss of earning capacity unless you can prove that the accident was caused by or contributed to by another party.
Even if you are injured by a motor vehicle on private property, such as a driveway, a farm or shopping centre carpark, you are likely to be entitled to TAC benefits.
TAC insurance is paid for as part of VicRoads registration fees. So, whenever you register a vehicle, some of that registration fee goes to the TAC.
Importantly, TAC compensation is not just for people who own registered vehicles. TAC benefits can be paid to anyone involved in a motor vehicle accident in Victoria and in some circumstances, outside Victoria too.
For example, if you are involved in an accident with a Victorian registered vehicle in NSW, you would be entitled to make a TAC claim.
If you were injured by or while driving an unregistered motor vehicle at the time of the accident, you can still be covered by TAC as long as the vehicle was capable of being registered with VicRoads.
For example:
A tractor on a farm hits you and causes injury. As long as the tractor is capable of being registered, you will be entitled to TAC benefits.
You are injured in an accident involving a motor vehicle whose registration has recently lapsed or expired.
If you are injured by a motor vehicle accident in a driveway, you can also make a TAC claim.
If you were a victim of a hit and run in Victoria, you will still be entitled to TAC benefits.
Similarly, if you are injured in another state by a Victorian registered motor vehicle, you will be able to make a claim for TAC benefits, and you can still receive compensation for your pain and suffering and economic loss.
Claims process
It is very important to get legal advice about your TAC claim, even if you don’t think you need to.
The TAC will generally pay some benefits, including basic medical treatment such as GP consultations and medications along with loss of income benefits. But they won’t voluntarily offer to pay you everything you’re entitled to unless you know what your entitlements are.
Having a lawyer who specialises in TAC claims will ensure that you understand and maximise your entitlements and benefits and means that you know you will get the compensation you deserve.
Polaris acts on a “No Win No Fee” basis, meaning that you don’t pay for our fees until you win your claim for compensation.
When you receive TAC compensation, the TAC will be required to pay for some of your costs.
Just like a doctor that does not bulk bill, you will be asked to pay the gap between the total costs and what the insurer does not pay.
The costs you pay when you win are not a percentage of your compensation. Instead, costs are calculated based on the work that Polaris has done, and the portion of those costs which has been paid by the TAC.
Want to know more?
Send us an email and we’ll give you a copy of a cost agreement so you can see for yourself. Also, see the examples provided below.
Example 1
You win your case by settlement with the TAC after documents are lodged with the TAC but without the need to lodge court documents.
You receive $250,000 in compensation.
The total costs (including disbursements) are $60,000.
The TAC pays $40,000 of your total costs.
There is $20,000 in shortfall costs.
Your costs for this milestone were capped at $30,000
Because the shortfall costs are less than the cap, you pay only $20,000 in costs from your compensation.
Example 2
You win your case by settlement with the TAC at a mediation and you receive $300,000 in compensation.
The total costs (including disbursements) are $75,000.
The TAC pays $35,000 of your total costs.
There is $40,000 in shortfall costs.
Your outstanding costs are $40,000
Your shortfall costs were capped at $30,000
You only pay the capped amount of $30,000, rather than the shortfall of $40,000
Once your TAC claim is lodged and accepted, you can be eligible to receive medical benefits and loss of income payments very quickly.
Once you’ve lodged your claim with the TAC, they have 21 days to accept, reject or request for more information from you to help them make a decision.
If your claim is accepted, you will be entitled to medical and like payments straight away.
If your accident occurred on or after 14 February 2018, you’re no longer required to pay a medical excess. You need to make sure that your treating doctors and pharmacy are billing directly to TAC, rather than billing you.
If you are unable to go back to work as a result of your accident injuries, TAC can begin paying you for your loss of income once you provide them with the financial information that they need.
If TAC makes a decision that you believe is incorrect, you have 12 months from the date of the TAC’s decision to dispute it.
For example, the TAC makes a decision to stop paying for your physiotherapy but your physiotherapist believes you will require ongoing physiotherapy to treat your accident injury.
If you’re unhappy with a decision from TAC, you should seek advice from a lawyer experienced in TAC claims.
If this happens, we can help you dispute this decision. To do this, we investigate and analyse the medical material in your case, provide TAC with reasons as to why they should accept the treatment request, and take the steps needed to challenge the decision.
We can organise a free consult and send you information about our process for disputing TAC decisions and how we can help get you get the TAC benefits and compensation you deserve.
A person who suffers serious permanent injuries as a result of the negligence of another road user can be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering and damages for economic loss, in addition to any benefits they receive under the TAC “no fault scheme”. The maximum payable for pain and suffering compensation in a TAC claim was 663,580 as at 1 July 2024. While every injured person’s circumstances and injuries are different, TAC claims for compensation commonly resolve for $300,000 or more.
Example: In August 2018, a 27 year old suffered extensive pelvic, neck hand and shoulder injuries when she was driving a car hit by another vehicle running a red light. She accessed TAC benefits including medical and like expenses, wage support, and a lump sum impairment benefit. In addition, Polaris helped her to secure $225,000 for her pain and suffering and $250,000 for her economic loss. Her entitlement to medical and like expenses paid by the TAC was not impacted by the settlement. Find out more here.
Why choose us?
With decades of experience handling TAC claims we have the knowledge and insight to get the best outcomes for our clients who have been injured injured in motor vehicle accidents on Victorian roads.
Our compassionate and understanding team focus on getting you the best possible result, in the shortest possible time with no hidden fees or charges.

Key steps
The key steps in a TAC claim
Here we guide you through the process of establishing your entitlement to compensation.
1. Free first appointment
We take detailed instructions and give advice about a potential claim and how we can help. We talk you through our No Win No, Fee Arrangement and how we will investigate your claim.
2. Investigation
We gather up your TAC file, medical, financial records and information about the accident. We also arrange assessment with independent medical experts to assess your claim.
3. Medical assessments
You attend medical experts who assess your injuries. We provide you with advice based on their findings and advise you of the next steps in your claim.
4. Lodging your applications
If the evidence is supportive of your claim, we will lodge either an impairment application, serious injury application or both.
5. Informal negotiation
We will negotiate on your behalf. You may be required to attend an informal conference with the TAC. These negotiations are often a good chance to resolve the claim.
6. Litigation
If the claim doesn’t settle and the evidence is strong, we lodge Court documents. The Court then requires attempts at settlement, including mediation. If no agreement is reached, the claim progresses to a Court hearing (though most claims settle before litigation).
Next steps
Find out now if you’re eligible to claim TAC benefits
We’ve designed a free and simple online tool that helps you determine if you’re eligible to claim TAC benefits after your motor vehicle accident. It doesn’t take long and it’s free to use, so there’s nothing to lose.
Want to speak to one of our lawyers?
We have the knowledge and insight to get you the compensation you deserve. Get in touch today on 1300 383 825 or email us to arrange your obligation and cost-free consultation to discuss your options.