Legal Compass
Time limits for WorkCover claims
If you injure yourself at work and lodge a WorkCover claim, it's important to know that there are several time limits that apply to any claim.
Sentinel Events in Victoria - The 3 Most Common Medical Errors
In February 2021, Better Safer Care Victoria provided a report on “sentinel events”; incidents in which a person receiving healthcare died or was seriously harmed.
Can I be sacked while off work due to my TAC claim?
In this blog, we look at your rights, entitlements and obligations regarding your employment after a motor vehicle accident.
What happens to my job while I’m on WorkCover and unable to work?
If you are on WorkCover and unable to return to any work as a result of your workplace injury, your employer is required to hold your position open for 52 weeks.
How Can Compensation Entitlements Affect Your NDIS Support Package?
In this article, we will look at how personal injury compensation, for example TAC or WorkCover benefits, may affect the supports a person with a disability receives under their NDIS plan.
What are my return to work obligations while on WorkCover?
If you hurt yourself at work and are in receipt of WorkCover weekly compensation payments for your time off work, you have probably been asked to participate in planning for your return to work, even if you are still suffering from the effects of your injury. In this article we look at your obligations to participate in planning for your return to work and the consequences of non-compliance.
A GP’s guide to the Victorian workers compensation scheme
In this article, we provide a guide for General Practitioners about the Victorian workers compensation claims process and answer some of the common questions raised by GP’s.
$487,000 compensation payment for road accident victim; without going to court
We review a case where Polaris Lawyers was able to resolve the client’s common law claim for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident without the need to go to court; achieving a compensation payment of $475,000.
Court grants cyclist a “Serious Injury Certificate” paving the way to a common law claim
In this article, we review the case of Marc White v TAC [2019]; a cyclist injured in a road accident in 2015 where the TAC denied the plaintiff’s ‘serious injury application’.
The sky is the limit: waivers and compensation claims
Participants in high risk or adventure related activities are often asked to sign a waiver. Personal injury waiver forms generally ask you to acknowledge that you understand the risks associated with the activity and that you waive your right to sue for compensation if you are injured.
Is it legal to record a consult with your doctor?
The huge increase in telehealth consultations has more and more of our clients asking about whether they can (or should) record consultations with their doctors. In this article, we look at three questions related to this topic.
What is a TAC Impairment Benefit?
A TAC impairment benefit is a lump sum payment for a person who has permanent physical or psychiatric injuries because of a road accident. If you have suffered injuries from which you do not fully recover, you may be able to make a claim for an impairment benefit.
8 tips for finding the right personal injury lawyer
We understand that reputation, particularly trust, is key to the client/lawyer relationship. Choosing the right lawyer for you can be daunting so we've created some tips to assist.
Everything you need to know about TAC Joint Medical Exams
Joint Medical Exams ("JME") are arranged by your lawyer. They are a medical examination with a “specialist independent doctor” to assess your transport accident injuries.
From nurse to lawyer and how this benefits your personal injury claim
Earlier this year I put away my scrubs for the last time, shutting the door on my career as a nurse and midwife to start my new role as a lawyer. I thought I’d share with you, three of the things that these professions have in common.
$520,000 compensation after motor vehicle accident; TAC benefits and common law claim
To make a claim for common law damages for pain and suffering and economic loss, you need to show that you have suffered a serious injury and that your injury was caused or contributed to by a negligent party. This is a case review of a successful common law claim after a motorbike accident.
To err is human – Diagnostic errors and medical negligence
A recent study shows that of all medical errors in Australia each year, approximately 140,000 relate to misdiagnosis or delays in diagnosis. About 21,000 of those cause serious harm and result in about 2,000–4,000 deaths. Errors in diagnosis represent almost half of medical negligence cases against general practitioners.
Informed Consent in Medical Treatment
Most people incorrectly assume that the issue of informed consent is just about whether or not there is a signed medical consent form, but the issues surrounding consent are far more complex and much more interesting than the paperwork that sits on the back of the medical file.
What does your personal injury legal assistant do for you and your case?
Long ago someone wise once said, “Behind every good lawyer, is a great legal assistant.” Or is that just me trying to present my own statements as ancient wisdom?
Laws regulating the aged care sector need urgent overhaul
The legal deck is stacked against people injured or killed in aged care. The recent COVID outbreak in Victorian facilities highlights the absence of oversight in aged care homes exposed to coronavirus.