Legal Compass

TAC Talk: Road Crashes Polaris Lawyers TAC Talk: Road Crashes Polaris Lawyers

What is the TAC?

Whilst the TAC plays a critical role in relation to road safety and in providing a safety net and a system of compensation for people injured and killed on our roads (and is the envy of many other states and countries), the scheme is far from perfect.

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TAC Talk: Road Crashes Polaris Lawyers TAC Talk: Road Crashes Polaris Lawyers

TAC compensation after witnessing an accident – nervous shock claims

Following the Bourke Street Massacre, there have been 14 TAC common law claims for those hit by the car, 12 claims for the family members of those who were either killed or injured and 15 claims for those who were the first responders. Here, we look at the compensation available for nervous shock as a result of witnessing a road accident.

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