Legal Compass
Case review – what is a transport accident for the purposes of a TAC claim?
In this TAC case review, an original claim was lodged some years ago and denied by TAC. The claimant appealed that decision to the VCAT and was unsuccessful. Still not satisfied with the decision, he appealed to the Supreme Court of Victoria… and failed again.
Victorian WorkCover and TAC claims for injuries suffered outside Victoria
When we specifically look at TAC claims after a motor vehicle accident or WorkCover claims after a workplace injury, the benefits and damages you are entitled to depend heavily on the way that you were injured and on where you were injured.
TAC common law claims with a pre-existing injury or illness
Did you know that you can pursue a TAC common law claim in circumstances where you have aggravated an existing injury or condition? You can also pursue a claim where an underlying condition was previously asymptomatic but becomes symptomatic following your accident.
TAC compensation denied to injured pedestrian – case review
In this TAC common law damages claim, the Court could not determine the extent to which the pedestrian’s left leg injury alone caused her various consequences. The Court ultimately concluded that the claimant had not met the criteria for a "serious injury" and was not entitled to compensation.
TAC common law compensation awarded to injured motorcyclist
In the TAC common law case of ‘Phromphian v the Transport Accident Commission’, the County Court was asked to determine whether an injured motorcyclist had suffered a "serious injury" in a motor vehicle accident and whether he was therefore entitled to compensation.
TAC common law compensation for injured passenger in truck accident
In the TAC common law case of ‘Broom v the Transport Accident Commission’, the County Court was asked to determine whether an injured passenger had suffered a "serious injury" and whether he was therefore entitled to TAC common law damages.
WorkCover journey claims travelling to and from work
In Victoria, there are compensation schemes available both for people injured in the course of their employment; WorkCover and TAC claims. But who provides the compensation and benefits if you’re injured in a transport accident on your way to or from home and work? We explore journey claims.
TAC death benefits after losing a loved one in a motor vehicle accident
We look at the potential TAC benefits available for people who have lost a loved one as a result of a motor vehicle accident. These can include income support, lump sum payments, childcare/household help and other benefits.
Transport accidents while working - is it a WorkCover or TAC claim?
If you’re injured in a transport accident while working, there are some limited circumstances where you may be eligible for WorkCover benefits and a TAC common law claim.
TAC common law damages after a motor vehicle accident in Victoria
Lump sum compensation after a motor vehicle accident in Victoria can be in the form of an impairment benefit and in some circumstances, it can be for what is known as common law damages.
Driver held liable for actions of his passenger which led to cyclist injury
TAC case review: this case highlights that a driver’s duty of care, in appropriate circumstances, extends to the duty to warn of potential hazards to their passengers and other road users, such as cyclists.
What happens if the TAC denies your Serious Injury Application?
We explore your options if you lodge a TAC serious injury application after a road crash and it is denied by the TAC.
TAC common law claims arising out of the use of a motor vehicle
We look at compensation options where TAC benefits are payable even if the vehicle was not being driven at the time of your injury.
TAC claims after a multi-car pile up
In a multi-vehicle pile-up, how does the law divide responsibility for the injuries you sustain and any compensation that should follow?
What is the TAC?
Whilst the TAC plays a critical role in relation to road safety and in providing a safety net and a system of compensation for people injured and killed on our roads (and is the envy of many other states and countries), the scheme is far from perfect.
E-scooters – who pays compensation when someone is injured?
If you’re injured in an accident involving an electric scooter on a footpath or road in Victoria, who foots the bill?
TAC compensation after witnessing an accident – nervous shock claims
Following the Bourke Street Massacre, there have been 14 TAC common law claims for those hit by the car, 12 claims for the family members of those who were either killed or injured and 15 claims for those who were the first responders. Here, we look at the compensation available for nervous shock as a result of witnessing a road accident.
TAC compensation and pedestrians
If you or a loved one have been injured as a pedestrian crossing the road or in a public area, you may be entitled to benefits and compensation through a TAC claim.
Motorcyclists and TAC Claims
The number of injuries and deaths from motorcyclist accidents each year remains stubbornly high. Fortunately, many motorcyclists injured on our roads are able to access TAC benefits and compensation.