Legal Compass
Time limits for medical negligence claims in Victoria
After being injured while getting medical treatment in Victoria, people often ask us, “Am I out of time to make a claim for compensation?” The short answer is that getting advice and finding out your rights and entitlements is free and easy.
Medical Negligence in the era of COVID-19
For anyone who thinks that COVID will alter the litigation landscape to the detriment of mainstream health providers, think again. The public and health professionals can rest assured that the COVID-19 pandemic is no picnic for medical negligence lawyers.
Ask the experts: Compensation payouts and financial planning
Compensation payouts for personal injury are generally one-off payments made for long term injuries and losses. With often large sums of money being involved, it’s important that recipients seek reputable financial advice.
What happens if I lose a No Win No Fee case?
In most personal injury cases, if your case is not successful (is withdrawn or investigation of a potential claim is stopped), there should be no costs for you to pay under a No Win No Fee agreement.
Do I have to pay tax on compensation for personal injury?
In Victoria, you are generally not required to pay tax from lump sum compensation you receive from a personal injury claim. However, compensation payouts can still have important tax implications which you should be aware of.
Can I sue my chiropractor for negligence?
There are a number of ways that chiropractic treatment can lead to loss or injury. Neck manipulation is particularly dangerous and can lead to a number of catastrophic consequences. If you suffer an injury as a result of chiropractic treatment, you may be entitled to compensation.